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"So that's all there is to it? Just believe in Jesus?"

Is that all there is to it?

Well, yes...and no.

Yes, that is all you need to "do" to receive salvation, because there is nothing else you CAN do to achieve, earn, or merit it.

Believe in Jesus and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31)

But that's certainly not all there is to it. Sometimes Christians are accused of teaching "easy believism," or the idea that we just pray a little prayer, call ourselves "saved" and then go on sinning as much as we want. That's not even close to true. When Jesus begins his work in us, it changes us from the inside out.

But all that is necessary to bring you salvation has already been done, by Jesus. When you believe in Him, you are taking the first step into a huge and marvelous adventure. He invites you to share in His joy and be in relationship with Him!

"So what happens then?"

Sacred Groves Network

©2025 by Main Street Church of Brigham City
48 North Main Street
Brigham City, Utah 84302
Tel: 435.723.6469

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